a groundbreaking program that creates whole-community solutions to poverty and hunger In santa Barbara county.

Inspire and empower communities to come together and work collectively in effective, measurable, and enduring actions to address hunger and poverty.

For more information on sponsorships, please contact us at: summerinthepark2022@gmail.com or fill out the form below



WE DID IT! Last summer, the program was successfully funded, with the OUR VOICE campaign. Not just treating the symptoms of poverty and hunger, The Los Alamos community is breaking the cycle and treating the core of these issues by working collectively as a community to connect needs to resources. Our next steps will be to secure legacy funding partners.

The only recreational program in Los Alamos, Summer in the Park (SIP) is an all-day camp for underprivileged children offering healthy meals, educational programs, mentorships, sports, field trips, mental health monitoring, and more. It creates work opportunities, job training, and life skills for local high school students. It provides structure and support for kids, while empowering under-resourced parents, who can take on essential employment through the summer knowing their children are safe and nourished.

Watch the video below to learn more about what this community is doing and to be inspired.


The impact on our youth

As a counselor, Summer in the Park was my first job and it really helped me grow and learn leadership skills, and I’m an educator now and Summer in the Park really threw me in that direction
— Jennifer

“Stable opportunities for children create stable families. Stable families creatE stable communities”

— Monna, Executive Director and Trustee

our progress: FUNDED!

In a town of 1270 people, where over a third of residents live with food insecurity, last year’s Summer in the Park program served over 50 Los Alamos families and 160 children. Eighteen jobs were created for local students from low-income households, and 4800 healthy meals were provided. The overall daycare value of the program is $115, 200; the meal value was $16,000, and the insurance and staffing value $127,000. Altogether, Summer in the Park created value to the community worth over $258,000 for a cost of only $35,000.

Our goal now is to find a legacy funding partner. More soon.

Sponsorship is available.

Contact us directly at summerinthepark2022@gmail.com or apply using the form below.


become a foundational part of a scalable solution to hunger and poverty

By sponsoring Los Alamos’ Summer in the Park, you’ll be the keystone that connects and uplifts a town, creates a proven example to the rest of the nation, and builds a legacy of lasting change.

Donate Online

For checks:

Pay to:  The Los Alamos Foundation

Address:  PO Box 477

Los Alamos, CA  93440

Phone:  (805) 478-3934

IRS classification of type of 501(c)(3): Private Foundation

Check memo Line: OV/Summer in the Park

For further information about The Los Alamos Foundation including nonprofit documentation and wire transfers:
please call (805)-478-3934

Partners and Sponsors


Become a sponsor

PR and advertising opportunities with our partners are available in exchange for your generosity.

Contact us directly:



for more information you can go to:

The Los Alamos Foundation